Paul Bancroft already had a reputation for driving up standards in Childrens Homes and advocating on the behalf Looked After Children and their families. In 2014, his vision for Residential Care took the form of Resolute Care. His vision was to deliver authentic parenting in Childrens Homes and help break the stigma attached to these settings. From the very first Ofsted inspection, Paul and his team have delivered “Outstanding” ratings across all provisions. Their greatest achievement is not the “Outstanding ratings” but seeing so many children learning to be happy.

“In our own children we want them to be able to integrate socially, stand on their own two feet and cope with the ups and downs of life. As professional carers our aspirations are no different – we want to enable growth and support change and development. We are resolute in our efforts in providing outstanding outcomes for the children we are fortunate enough to care for.”

Paul Bancroft

Facilitating change

We achieve this by putting an emphasis on quality ‘Authentic Parenting’ with access to a wide range of support structures and direct effective interventions. Whilst we are experienced with and effective at working with difficult behaviours, we do not try to merely contain these behaviours, instead we are very clear that we act as “Agents of Change” in their lives. It is through this role that we are able to state unequivocally that previously unchallenged behaviours such as non-school attendance, violence, substance misuse, self harm and lack of commitment to change, are not acceptable. Whilst being a powerful statement of expectations and outcomes, our stance is essentially optimistic, since the contention is that individuals can take control of their behaviour – and if they can take control of themselves, then at Resolute Care, with all the environmental and personal support structures to help, we insist they do!

Professional standards

We believe that the keys to this process are not systems, dogma or institutions, but people. The keystone is a commitment to this principle; constantly placing young people alongside individuals who are not only accomplished professionals, but also human beings of integrity, compassion and strength. We believe that professional practice in Residential Care is good enough only if it is good enough for our own children; therefore the most exacting of expectations are placed upon our practice. At Resolute Care we have the experience, commitment and professional ability to translate our fundamental belief in the rights and responsibilities of children into the very best professional practice within this field.



We have extensive experience in developing solutions and providing care to young people. We believe that every person has the right to the same level and quality of care.


Achieving Outcomes

We strive to provide an environment where our young people’s needs are met and they are supported to attain positive outcomes. We always set the highest expectations for our young people regardless of their starting points.



The quality of our team is paramount to the outstanding outcomes we achieve for our young people. We share the same vision – to achieve the very best we can.



We set the bar high for ourselves, for our team and for our young people. By doing this we can achieve more than is expected of us and encourage our young people not to settle for second best.

Ofsted Oustanding

Every Year Since 2015

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