Welcome to Resolute Care! We are here for this important part of your journey. During the time you live with us, we will support you to set out a plan to ensure your future is bright. I am sure you will have many questions, but below are some of the frequently asked.

Key Questions

How will you make sure I feel at home?
How will you make sure I feel at home?
At Resolute Care we know that keeping you safe is a priority. We also know in order to do this we need to have a home where people want to live and feel comfortable in their surroundings. Being available and showing we really do care even when times are hard is how we will make you feel safe and at home.
Will I still be able to see my friends?
Will I still be able to see my friends?
We encourage friendships and relationships that are positive to your well-being. We are just like any family home where friends visit, stop for dinner, and go out to enjoy themselves.
How will you help me achieve my goals?
How will you help me achieve my goals?
Firstly we want to understand what your goals are. We will then make sure the support is put in place to give you every opportunity to achieve them. Sometimes goals change as we grow, and as they do so will our plan for you.
How long will I stay with you?
How long will I stay with you?
You can stay at our homes for as long as needed. Whatever your needs are when you come to live with us we will ensure a plan is put in place to support you to achieve great outcomes. It’s hard to put a timescale on this, but what we will do is make sure your time with us is made the most of. It might be a case that you just need support to develop the skills to live independently.
What can I do in my spare time?
What can I do in my spare time?
We want to make sure that you have every opportunity to experience new things. Whether that’s a trip to London, a scuba diving lesson, or pony trekking. We want to make sure that you will have life experiences that you will always remember.
Ofsted Oustanding

Every Year Since 2015

© 2025 Resolute Care Ltd
Website by Vitty